Digitization in the office
Digitize and automate processes to fit

Digitization in the office
By digitization in the office, we mean on the one hand the transformation from analog to digital information flows and virtual collaboration in distributed teams.
From analog to digital
To implement the basic principle of "creating value without waste," digitization and automation solutions can help. Basically, we follow the principle of "optimize first, then automate". In our projects, we rely on digitization solutions that bring real added value to our customers to support analysis and implementation.

Judith Fellsches
Phone: +49 211 63 55 89 60
Email: info@lmx.eu
Lean Management & Digitization 2025 at Ruhr-University Bochum
Business Process Management (BPM) Software
In addition to the proven value stream analysis for information flows, we document the actual value streams in the BPM tool and use the advantages of the software, such as the calculation of throughput times, capacity commitment per function or the calculation of a degree of digitization. After the optimization in the workshop, we also model the target process in the tool and can thus also make quick comparisons. In addition, the implementation of the new process is supported by the BPM software, as everyone can easily view the new process or comment on it, for example. The registered process owner is reminded after the expiration of the validity, which supports the continuous review.
Your added value
- We advise you if a Business Process Management Software is helpful for your problem
- For your project we bring the software - benefit from the enhanced value stream mapping and design without the risk and constraint of purchasing a new software. A transfer into your existing BPM software solution is no problem thanks to the BPMN 2.0 standard - of course a modeling in your system is also possible.
- You are looking for a BPM software? Benefit from our expertise and our structured approach to select a BPM software that involves all stakeholders and thus significantly increases the acceptance.
Process Mining
Process Mining Software visualizes processes based on IT transaction data. We leave our "footprints" (transaction data, log data) in IT systems with every IT system-supported activity. This data is collected and processed by the process mining software. We complement our value stream analysis with process mining and thus obtain a very high level of objectivity and detail without losing sight of the end-to-end process.
Your added value
- We advise you whether process mining is helpful for your problem definition.
- We bring the software for your project - benefit from the enhanced value stream mapping and design without risks and the need to purchase new software.
- We can translate business requirements into IT specifications because we have a very strong understanding of processes and a high affinity for IT.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Low Code Programming
Processes that are frequently repeated and run according to very clear rules lend themselves to automation with so-called "bots. Here, we continue to follow the lean way of thinking, because automated waste remains waste. Especially "bots" and smaller automations can be realized via different software solutions. We would like to realize the best possible result for you and this with board means if possible. We check whether software solutions, e.g. in the Office 365 environment, are suitable for implementation in your company before we start thinking about new software solutions. To ensure a long-term effect, we consider not only the one-time effort to create the bot but also the operational processes such as change request management and maintenance when identifying suitable sub-processes. The independent automation of processes by the specialist departments brings with it many added values, but also involves the risk of a "proliferation" of solutions. This "uncontrolled growth" can lead to considerable additional work, for example, if a source system is adapted and the automation no longer works - but no one notices this at first. Therefore, in our projects we pay attention to the highest possible flexibility while ensuring sustainability.
RPA film
Your added value
- We identify with you the suitable sub-processes for RPA
- Increase employee satisfaction by relieving them of repetitive and boring processes
Visualization with dashboards
Visual management is very important, especially in administration, as information must first be made visible. We embed dashboards in office floor management because regular discussion of key figures and deviations are the basis for continuous and targeted improvement. We have developed a structured approach to identify the right metrics and make them available on a dashboard. For this we use your existing tool or bring a solution. The approach involves the users of the dashboard and thus ensures that you get to the improvement quickly instead of discussing data origin, validity and timeliness.
Your added value
- Create transparency based on numbers, data and facts
- Establish holistic deviation management instead of just presenting key figures
- Sometimes less is more - visualize correctly to see the important immediately
Virtual collaboration
We design about 50% of our projects and trainings without being on site with our customers. We value the direct exchange very much and now know when it is essential to ensure project or training success. Virtual collaboration requires adapted approaches and even stronger visualization to keep team performance high. Tools for collaboration, task control and organization are as important as the right behaviors and rules of collaboration.
We have built up a large portfolio of approaches, tips and tools, which we teach in trainings and apply in our projects.